CS3276 (CS5276) — Course Schedule

Fall 2024

While I make every effort to finalize the schedule at the beginning of the semester, there may be updates during the semester. I will communicate any changes to the schedule during lecture, on the Piazza, and on this schedule.
The readings are not required but are mainly suggestions. The textbook was more crucial in the past when Internet resources were less available. You do not need the textbook to complete this course.
Unless otherwise noted, all due dates are at 11:59PM Central time on the indicated day.
Date Topic Due Readings
W 08/21/24 Course Introduction (None, first day)
M 08/26/24 Overview of Python and Cool Cool Reference Manual
W 08/28/24 Lexical Analysis PA1P (Python Implementation) Due
The last day to add or drop courses is 8/30/2024. PA1P is intended to help you decide whether you want to stay in this course. If you join late, you can turn PA1P in with PA1C on 9/4/24.
Dragon Book Ch 3;
PL Pragmatics Ch 2.1 – 2.2
M 09/02/24 Lexical Analysis Foundations and Lexer Generators Flex Manual (especially in Python's ply package)
PL Pragmatics Ch 2.1-2.2
W 09/04/24 Parsing Basics (Grammars) / LL Parsing

Guest lecture by Dr. Daniel Balasubramanian. Kevin at NSF meeting.

PA1C (Cool implementation) Due Dragon Book Ch 4.1, 4.2;
PL Pragmatics Ch 2.3
M 09/09/24 LL Parsing, part 2 Dragon Book Ch 4.3, 4.4;
PL Pragmatics 2.3.1-2.3.4
W 09/11/24 More Parsing (LR) PA2 Due Friday 9/13 PL Pragmatics Ch 4.8
M 09/16/24 Parser Generators, exam review Yacc or Bison Manual (especially Python's ply package)
W 09/18/24 Midterm 1
M 09/23/24 Types and Scoping Dragon Book Ch 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.5, 1.6.6, 1.6.7;
PL Pragmatics Ch 3.2.1-3.2.3, 3.6
W 09/25/24 Intro to PA4, Types, Scoping
Typchecking example code
PA3 Due
M 09/30/24 Type Checking Dragon Book Ch 6.5, PL Pragmatics 4.2, 4.3, 4.6
W 10/02/24 Type checking wrap up
M 10/07/24 Bonus lecture: career development and failure Dragon Book Ch 6, 6.5;
PL Pragmatics Ch 4.2, 4.3, 4.6
W 10/09/24 No class. Fall break. Dragon Book Ch 6.4, 6.6
M 10/14/24 Program and Runtime Organization Dragon Book Ch 6.9, 8.2, 8.6
PL Pragmatics Ch 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 9.4, 9.5
W 10/16/24 Intermediate Representations PA4 Due Dragon Book Ch 9.2, 9.3
M 10/21/24 Control Flow Graphs and Dataflow Analysis Dragon Book Ch 9.2, 9.3
W 10/24/24 Exam 2 Review
M 10/28/24 Midterm 2
W 10/30/24 PA5 - Code Generation, Stack discipline, Object Layout Dragon Book Ch 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 8.3, 8.4, 8.6;
PL Pragmatics 14.1.1, 14.2, 14.3.1
M 11/04/24 Object Layout, Stack Disciplines I recommend having "Hello, world." compiling for PA5 by this date.
W 11/06/24 Garbage Collection Dragon Book Ch. 7.5, 7.6
PL Pragmatics Ch 14.6, 14.7
M 11/11/24 Memory Hierarchy, Register Allocation PL Pragmatics Ch 15.3.2
W 11/13/24 Linking/Loading
M 11/18/24 Optimizations Wikipedia's article on Basic Blocks;
Wikipedia's article on Dataflow analysis
W 11/20/24 Optimizations (2) PA5 due Friday, 11/22.
M 11/25/24 Thanksgiving Break
W 11/27/24 Thanksgiving Break
M 12/02/24 Exam Review
W 12/04/24 Final Exam PA6 recommended turn in.
F 12/14/24 No class.
This is the scheduled final exam day, however we will have the final exam in class instead.
PA6 Due at NOON CT. Absolutely no extensions. Absolutely all course material must be turned in by 5PM CT on this day.