Course Schedule

This schedule is still being refined. The readings will be posted here.
Note that every class for which a reading is assigned requires submission of a review of that paper. In addition, the "Due dates" column indicates other items due on that day.
Date Topic and Notes Due dates Readings for this class
M 6-Jan Introduction (slides)
W 8-Jan How to read a paper (slides)
M 13-Jan

Discussion: end-to-end systems abstraction

Notes (Thanks Giorgio!)

Recording (whiteboard may be unclear, consult notes above...)

Abstraction writeup due (NOON Central time) No required readings.
W 15-Jan Foundations: Binaries, Viruses, malware analysis (Slides)
M 20-Jan No class (MLK day)
W 22-Jan Moving Target Defense (SoK Automated Software Diversity) (slides)
M 27-Jan Virtual Machines (Notes by Giorgio)
W 29-Jan Project Pitches and Discussion
Kevin is away at NSA SoS PI meeting.

Please submit URLs to your video recordings of your 5-minute pitches along with your writeup.

Submit your 500-word writeup via the submission system. See here.

No required readings.

Since Kevin is away, no in-person class this day. Instead, you must review all other project pitch presentations and provide feedback for each group.

M 3-Feb Evasive malware and CPU Features
W 5-Feb Automated Malware Analysis HW1 due at 11:59PM Central
M 10-Feb Architectural sidechannels, Hardware Security (Please read both papers, but only submit a review for Spectre.)
W 12-Feb Static Analysis, Dynamic Analysis, LLVM No reviews required, but you must read the following:
M 17-Feb Kernel rootkits
W 19-Feb GPU Security
M 24-Feb Machine Learning and Security
W 26-Feb Machine Learning Security, part 2
M 3-Mar Project Proposal Presentations (day 1) Submit your presentation slides and writeup: see here.
W 5-Mar Project Proposal Presentations (day 2)
M 10-Mar No class, Spring break
W 12-Mar No class, Spring break
M 17-Mar Ethics (of research and security)
W 19-Mar Foundations: human studies
M 24-Mar Guest Lecture (TBA) HW2 due at 11:59PM Central on Tuesday 3/25 No review required, but please read the Homework 3 Specification.
W 26-Mar Autonomous vehicles
M 31-Mar Network Security (Slides)
W 2-Apr TOR (Slides)
M 7-Apr Botnets HW3 due Tuesday 4/9 at 11:59PM Central
  • Required reading:
    Understanding the Mirai Botnet. By Manos Antonakakis, Tim April, Michael Bailey, Matthew Bernhard, Elie Bursztein, Jaime Cochran, Zakir Durumeric, J. Alex Halderman, Luca Invernizzi, Michalis Kallitsis, Deepak Kumar, Chaz Lever, Zane Ma, Joshua Mason, Damian Menscher, Chad Seaman, Nick Sullivan, Kurt Thomas, and Yi Zhou. In USENIX 2017.
W 9-Apr Cryptocurrency
M 14-Apr Final Project Presentations (day 1) Submit your presentation slides and writeup: see here.
W 16-Apr Final Project Presentations (day 2)
M 21-Apr TBA: probably career development. Peer evaluations of Final Presentations due.

There are no exams for this class.